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Toggle Split Button

The ToggleSplitButton functions as a ToggleButton with primary and secondary parts that can each be pressed separately. The primary part behaves like a normal ToggleButton and the secondary part opens a Flyout with additional actions.

к сведению

The ToggleSplitButton has only two states: checked and unchecked. Indeterminate is not supported like it is with a standard ToggleButton. This was done intentionally to match WinUI and restricts the control’s usage. The ToggleSplitButton should only be used to turn features on/off. Anything other than that is currently considered poor practice from a usability standpoint.

Is this the right control?

A ToggleSplitButton is a fairly specialized control and its usage should be restricted to where it makes clear sense from a user-standpoint. It is intended to turn a feature on/off while allowing some additional configurations to be specified rather than the default.

Like a SplitButton, the most common action should be the default and what is shown in the primary part. However, unlike the SplitButton, pressing the primary part will turn this feature on or off instead of simply invoking an action. Additional configurations for the feature should be added to the Flyout which is shown when the secondary (drop down) part is pressed.

к сведению

Pressing a configuration in the Flyout should either (1) turn on the feature with the selected configuration, or (2) change the feature to the selected configuration. Pressing a configuration in the Flyout should never turn off the feature – that can only be done by toggling the primary part.

Common Properties

ContentThe content to display in the primary part
FlyoutThe Flyout which shows up when the secondary part is clicked
CommandA command to be invoked when the primary button is clicked
IsCheckedGets or sets if the ToggleSplitButton is checked


:pressedSet when the entire ToggleSplitButton is pressed using a keyboard input such as Space or Enter. In this state no distinction is made between primary or secondary parts
:flyout-openSet when the Flyout is open
:checkedSet when the ToggleSplitButton is checked. (IsChecked="true")

API Reference


Source code



Basic example

<ToggleSplitButton Content="Content"
IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked}">
<MenuFlyout Placement="Bottom">
<MenuItem Header="Item 1">
<MenuItem Header="Subitem 1" />
<MenuItem Header="Subitem 2" />
<MenuItem Header="Subitem 3" />
<MenuItem Header="Item 2"
InputGesture="Ctrl+A" />
<MenuItem Header="Item 3" />

SplitButton (Flyout closed, unchecked)

SplitButton (Flyout closed, checked)

SplitButton (Flyout opened, checked)

Text editor with numbered or bulleted list example

Continuing the text editor example from SplitButton, a common use case of the ToggleSplitButton is to add bulleted/numbered lists to text. In this example the primary part will toggle the list on/off while the secondary part will open a Flyout and allow selecting the bullet or number style.

<!-- We have the following Icons defined in our Resources -->
<PathGeometry x:Key="IconData.NumberedList"> {{ Path Data }} </PathGeometry>
<PathGeometry x:Key="IconData.BulletedList"> {{ Path Data }} </PathGeometry>
<ToggleSplitButton IsChecked="{Binding TextEditorHasList}">
<!-- Note: For this example we keep the content static, but you can use dynamic content -->
<PathIcon Data="{DynamicResource IconData.BulletedList}" />
<Flyout Placement="Bottom">
<!-- Note: For this example we keep the content static, but you can use dynamic content -->
<ListBox Height="200" Width="200" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<PathIcon Data="{DynamicResource IconData.NumberedList}" />
<TextBlock Text="Numbered List" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<PathIcon Data="{DynamicResource IconData.BulletedList}" />
<TextBlock Text="Bulleted List" />

Sample of ToggleSplitButton for toggle text lists on and off and selecting the list format