
Tree Data Grid Column Types

The tree data grid supports three different column types:

  • Text Column
  • Hierarchical Expander Column
  • Template Column

Text Column

A text column (class TextColumn) is useful when you want the cells in a column to have text values. A text column is created like this:

new TextColumn<ItemClass, string>("Column Header", x => x.Property)

The first generic parameter here is the class of the items that make up the grid rows. The second generic parameter here is the type of the property.

The above is the signature of the TextColumn constructor. The first two parameters are required: the first is the column header, and the second is an expression to get the value of the property.

The TextColumn class implements the column interface IColumn.

Hierarchical Expander Column

A hierarchical expander column (class: HierarchicalExpanderColumn) can only be used with the hierarchical data mode of operation, and it must be used with the data source class HierarchicalTreeDataGridSource. This column type must contain an inner column (interface IColumn) to define its header and value property. A hierarchical expander column displays the expand and contract chevron buttons in a hierarchical tree data grid.

This column type is created like this:

new HierarchicalExpanderColumn<ItemClass>(
new TextColumn<ItemClass, string>("Column Header", x => x.Property),
x => x.Children)

The generic parameter is the class of the items that make up the grid rows. This is the same as the item class for the inner column.

The above is the signature of the HierarchicalExpanderColumn constructor. The first parameter in the constructor is the inner column, and the second parameter is a (nullable) selector for any child elements.

Template Column

The template column (class TemplateColumn) is a fully customizable way for you to create a column. It essentially forms a data template for the column.

You create a template column like this:

new TemplateColumn<ItemClass>("Column Header",
new FuncDataTemplate<T>((a,e) => new SomeControl()))

The above is the signature of the TemplateColumnconstructor. It has two required parameters: the first is the column header, and the second is a function that returns IDataTemplate.


For more information about the concept of creating a data template in code, see here.