Storage Items
Common members for StorageFile and StorageFolder
Gets a short name of the item including the file name extension if there is one.
Gets the file-system path of the item.
Android backend might return file path with "content:" scheme. Browser and iOS backends might return relative uris.
DO NOT use Path property to preserve access to the file or folder. Instead see Bookmarks page on how to keep access to the storage items.
DO NOT use Path property to directly read file by its path, as it won't work on most of mobile and browser platforms. Instead use OpenReadAsync and OpenWriteAsync.
Returns true is item can be bookmarked and reused later.
Saves items to a bookmark. Returns identifier of a bookmark. Can be null if OS denied request.
Gets the basic properties of the current item. Currently available properties:
- Size
- DateCreated
- DateModified
Gets the parent folder of the current storage item.
Deletes the current storage item and it's contents
Moves the current storage item and it's contents to a IStorageFolder
StorageFile members
Opens a stream for read access.
Opens stream for writing to the file.
StorageFolder members
Gets the files and subfolders in the current folder. When this method completes successfully, it returns a list of the files and folders in the current folder. Each item in the list is represented by an IStorageItem implementation object.
This method is lazily evaluate and is async.
Creates a file with specified name as a child of the current storage folder
Creates a folder with specified name as a child of the current storage folder
Extension methods
Gets the local file system path of the item as a string. Android platform usually uses "content:" virtual file paths and Browser platform has isolated access without full paths, so on these platforms this method will return null.
If you want to save file path to reuse it later (in combination with TryGetFileFromPathAsync), please consider using Bookmarks instead as they are designed to work in sandboxed environment, where user app might not have direct access to the physical file system.