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The StorageProvider is central to file and folder management. It provides methods for file and folder selection, checking platform capabilities, and interacting with stored bookmarks.

The StorageProvider can be access through an instance of TopLevel or Window, for more details on accessing TopLevel please visit TopLevel page:

var storage = window.StorageProvider;



Indicates whether it's possible to open a open file picker on the current platform.

bool CanOpen { get; }


Indicates whether it's possible to open a save file picker on the current platform.

bool CanSave { get; }


Indicates whether it's possible to open a folder picker on the current platform.

bool CanPickFolder { get; }



Opens a file picker dialog.

Task<IReadOnlyList<IStorageFile>> OpenFilePickerAsync(FilePickerOpenOptions options);

The method returns an array of selected IStorageFile instances or an empty collection if the user cancels the dialog.


Opens a save file picker dialog.

Task<IStorageFile?> SaveFilePickerAsync(FilePickerSaveOptions options);

The method returns a saved IStorageFile instance or null if the user cancels the dialog.


Opens a folder picker dialog.

Task<IReadOnlyList<IStorageFolder>> OpenFolderPickerAsync(FolderPickerOpenOptions options);

The method returns an array of selected IStorageFolder instances or an empty collection if the user cancels the dialog.


Opens a IStorageBookmarkFile from the bookmark ID.

Task<IStorageBookmarkFile?> OpenFileBookmarkAsync(string bookmark);

The method returns a bookmarked file or null if the operating system denied the request.


Opens a IStorageBookmarkFolder from the bookmark ID.

Task<IStorageBookmarkFolder?> OpenFolderBookmarkAsync(string bookmark);

The method returns a bookmarked folder or null if the operating system denied the request.


Attempts to read a file from the file system by its path.

Task<IStorageFile?> TryGetFileFromPathAsync(Uri filePath);

The method returns a file or null if it doesn't exist. The filePath parameter is expected to be an absolute path with a "file" scheme, but can be a URI with a "content" scheme on Android.


Attempts to read a folder from the file system by its path.

Task<IStorageFolder?> TryGetFolderFromPathAsync(Uri folderPath);

The method returns a folder or null if it doesn't exist. The folderPath parameter is expected to be an absolute path with a "file" scheme, but can be a URI with a "content" scheme on Android.


Attempts to read a folder from the file system by its well-known folder identifier.

Task<IStorageFolder?> TryGetWellKnownFolderAsync(WellKnownFolder wellKnownFolder);

The method returns a folder or null if it doesn't exist.

Extension methods


Attempts to read a file from the file system by its path.

Task<IStorageFile?> TryGetFileFromPathAsync(this IStorageProvider provider, string filePath);

The method returns a file or null if it doesn't exist. This method accepts local file path string as a parameter without any scheme. Only supported on the OS, with physical file paths, primarily only desktop.


Attempts to read a folder from the file system by its path.

Task<IStorageFolder?> TryGetFolderFromPathAsync(this IStorageProvider provider, string folderPath);

The method returns a folder or null if it doesn't exist. This method accepts local folder path string as a parameter without any scheme. Only supported on the OS, with physical file paths, primarily only desktop.

Platform compatibility:


* Bookmarks are not properly supported on desktop platforms and instead return file path instead. macOS support is planned in order to get it work with Sandboxed Apple Store apps.

** Managed file picker works only on desktop platforms where it's possible to open a custom window.

*** Only Chromium based browsers have a proper support for file pickers.