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Version: 11.0.x


In addition to a XAML file, most Avalonia controls also have a code-behind file that is commonly written in C#. The code-behind file by convention has the file extension .axaml.cs and is often displayed nested below the XAML file in your IDE.

For instance, in the Visual Studio solution explorer, you can see a MainWindow.axaml file along with its code-behind file MainWindow.axaml.cs:

The code-behind file contains a class that shares the same name as the XAML file. For example:

using Avalonia.Controls;

namespace AvaloniaApplication1.Views
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()

Notice that the class name matches the name of the XAML file, and is also referenced in the x:Class attribute of the window element.

<Window xmlns=""

If you make any changes to the class name in code, or its namespace, ensure that the x:Class attribute always matches, or you will get an error.

When the code-behind file is first added, it has only a constructor, which calls the InitializeComponent() method. This method call is required to load the XAML at runtime.

Locating Controls

When working with code-behind, you often need to access the controls defined in XAML.

To do this, you first need to obtain a reference to the desired control. Give the control a name using the Name (or x:Name) attribute in XAML.

Here's an example of a XAML file with a named button:

<Window xmlns=""
<Button Name="greetingButton">Hello World</Button>

You can now access the button via an auto-generated greetingButton field from the code-behind:

using Avalonia.Controls;

namespace AvaloniaApplication1.Views
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
greetingButton.Content = "Goodbye Cruel World!";

Set Properties

With the control reference available in the code-behind, you can set properties. For example, you can change the background property like this:

greetingButton.Background = Brushes.Blue;

Handling Events

Any useful application will require you to implement some action! When using the code-behind pattern, you write event handlers in the code-behind file.

Event handlers are written as methods in the code-behind file, and then referenced in the XAML using an event attribute. For example, to add a handler for a button click event:

<Window xmlns=""
<Button Click="GreetingButtonClickHandler">Hello World</Button>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()

public void GreetingButtonClickHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// code here.

Note that many Avalonia event handlers pass a special argument of class RoutedEventArgs. This includes information about how the event has been generated and propagated.


For more information on the concepts of event routing, see here.