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There are two types of animations in Avalonia UI:

  • Keyframe Animation - can change one or more property values using a timeline. Keyframes are defined along the timeline at cue points. The properties being changed are adjusted between keyframes using an easing function (which is a straight-line interpolation by default). Keyframe animations are a very versatile type of animation.
  • Transitions - can change a single property.

Keyframe Animation

The simplest keyframe animation will change one property value over a a specified duration by defining two keyframes with cue points at the start (0% of the duration) and the end (100% of the duration).

The property value is then changed over time between the keyframes using the profile defined by an easing function. The default easing function is also the simplest - a straight-line interpolation between two keyframes.


You can see the full range of easing functions in the reference, here.

Triggering Animations

Avalonia UI animations defined in XAML rely on selectors for their triggering behavior. Selectors can always apply to a control, or they can conditionally apply (for example if the control has a style class applied).

If the selector is not conditional then the animation will be triggered when a matching Control is spawned into the visual tree. Otherwise, the animations will run whenever its selector is activated. When the selector no longer matches, the currently running animation will be cancelled.

Other Animation Settings

  • Delay
  • Repeat
  • Playback Direction
  • Value Fill Mode
  • Easing Function