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Version: 11.0.x

How To Create a Custom Flyout

Creating Custom Flyouts

To create a custom flyout type, derive from FlyoutBase. You'll have to override the abstract method CreatePresenter() to specify the presenter the Flyout should use to display its content. This can be any type of control, but note that this is the root content for the inner popup and should be styled with background, border, corner radius, etc. to match other popups. You can still use a normal FlyoutPresenter if you wish

The following example creates a simple Flyout that hosts an image

public class MyImageFlyout : FlyoutBase
public static readonly StyledProperty<IImage> ImageProperty = AvaloniaProperty.Register<MyImageFlyout, IImage>(nameof(Image));

public IImage Image { get; set; }

protected override Control CreatePresenter()
// In this example, we'll use the default FlyoutPresenter as the root content, and add an Image control to show our content
return new FlyoutPresenter
Content = new Image
// Use binding here so the image automatically updates when the property updates
[!Image.SourceProperty] = this[!ImageProperty]