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Version: 11.0.x



Please start with the supported IDE of your choice installed. Avalonia supports Visual Studio, Rider, and Visual Studio Code.

Install Avalonia UI Templates

The best way to get started with Avalonia is by creating an application using a project template.

To install the Avalonia templates, run the following command:

dotnet new install Avalonia.Templates

For .NET 6.0 and earlier, replace install with --install

To list the installed templates run

 dotnet new list

You should see the installed Avalonia templates:

Template Name                                 Short Name                  Language    Tags
-------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Avalonia App [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia MVVM App avalonia.mvvm [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia Cross Platform Application avalonia.xplat [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Web/Mobile
Avalonia Resource Dictionary avalonia.resource Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia Styles avalonia.styles Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia TemplatedControl avalonia.templatedcontrol [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia UserControl avalonia.usercontrol [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia Window avalonia.window [C#],F# Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS

Create a new Application

Once the project templates are installed, you can create a new Avalonia UI application from CLI by running the following command:

dotnet new -o MyApp

This will create a new folder called MyApp containing your application files. To run the application, navigate to the MyApp folder and run:

cd MyApp
dotnet run

The project templates will also allow for project creation from your IDE.

Installation Troubleshooting

Ensure .NET SDK is installed

dotnet --list-sdks

8.0.202 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk] <-- Your version may vary

If dotnet is not a recognized program, then ensure you've installed your IDE first. Next, ensure that dotnet is associated with the terminal. On Windows, this involves checking environment variables: echo %PATH% in the command prompt or echo $Env:PATH in PowerShell.

Ensure NuGet source is correct

If while installing the project templates, you receive an error stating the Avalonia.Templates package cannot be found, then ensure NuGet is correctly setup with .NET's standard global package source.

dotnet nuget list source

Registered Sources:
1. [Enabled]

If this source is not listed, add it:

dotnet nuget add source -n

If the package install still fails despite NuGet being listed, then suspect a network connectivity or firewall issue.