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A gesture recognizer that tracks a scrolling gesture. This can be attached to a control to detect when a pointer moves in a specific direction inside the control's bounds. This is especially useful when a control pans its contents, either horizontally, vertically or both.

Using a ScrollGestureRecognizer

A ScrollGestureRecognizer can be attached to a control using the control's GestureRecognizers property.

<Image Stretch="UniformToFill"
<ScrollGestureRecognizer CanHorizontallyScroll="True"
image.GestureRecognizers.Add(new ScrollGestureRecognizer()
CanVerticallyScroll = true,
CanHorizontallyScroll = true,

The ScrollGestureRegonizer raises a Gestures.ScrollGestureEvent when it detects the start of a scroll gesture. When the scroll ends, from the pointer being released or another gesture start, it raises a Gestures.ScrollGestureEndedEvent.

Useful Properties

You will probably use these properties most often:

CanVerticallyScrollDefines whether the content can be scrolled vertically.
CanHorizontallyScrollDefines whether the content can be scrolled horizontally.

More Information

к сведению

For the complete API documentation about this gesture recognizer, see here.

к сведению

View the source code on GitHub ScrollGestureRecognizer.cs