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Версия: 11.0.0

Add a Custom Control Class

You create a custom control using a class that inherits from the Avalonia UI Control class. You can place your custom control classes anywhere in you app project, or include them in another control library project.

к сведению

For more information on creating a custom control library, see here.

Wherever you choose to place your custom control class, you must be able to reference it in the XAML. For example, this code shows the custom control MyControl class placed in the main window; and the custom control class defines in the /CustomControls namespace and project folder:

<Window xmlns="https://github.com/avaloniaui"
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
Title="Avalonia Custom Control">
<cc:MyCustomControl Height="200" Width="300"/>

using Avalonia.Controls;

namespace AvaloniaCCExample.CustomControls
public class MyCustomControl : Control

Notice that you can already add properties for height and width of the custom control. These are from the base class: Control.

However at present, nothing shows. On the next page you will see how to define a property and teach the custom control how to draw using it.