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Supported Distributions

We maintain comprehensive testing and support for the following Linux distributions:

  • Debian: Version 9 and newer
  • Ubuntu: Version 16.04 and newer
  • Fedora: Version 30 and newer

Other Distributions

While we focus our testing efforts on the distributions listed above, Avalonia XPF can run on many other Linux distributions. If you're using a distribution that's not listed in our officially supported platforms:

  • We will work with you to ensure compatibility with your chosen distribution
  • Our support team can assist with distribution-specific issues
  • The distribution may require additional configuration or testing

Distribution-specific support is provided on a case-by-case basis. We recommend reaching out to our support team early in your development process if you plan to deploy on a non-listed distribution.

Installing .NET

Many distributions provide a version of .NET in their package repositories, but these should not be used as they do not ship the required Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop SDK.

The .NET documentation provides a guide to install the Microsoft packages for Ubuntu:

Register the Microsoft package repository

For other distributions, refer to your operating system documentation on how to add the Microsoft package feed.


If you have installed .NET from your distribution's package repository, you must uninstall, clean and reinstall. See "I need a version of .NET that isn't provided by my Linux distribution" in the Microsoft documentation for details of how to do this.

Other Dependencies

The following dependencies are required to run XPF: libice6 libsm6 libfontconfig1 libgdiplus

On a Debian-based distribution run the following command to install these dependencies:

sudo apt install libice6 libsm6 libfontconfig1 libgdiplus

For other distributions, use the distribution's package manager to install the required dependencies.