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You can use this section to get started right away with Avalonia. This will take you through a simple tutorial example, step-by-step, and introduce you to some of the Avalonia concepts and techniques.

You do not need any prior knowledge of Avalonia or other XAML-based frameworks to learn from this section.

Click the Next button to get started.

к сведению

If you are a developer experienced with using XAML and Avalonia project creation, you may want to skip ahead to our Basics section here or one of the How-To Guides here.


Install Templates

Before starting, ensure that you have installed the Avalonia templates:

dotnet new install Avalonia.Templates

JetBrains Rider provides native support for Avalonia XAML, offering a rich development experience without requiring additional extensions.

For real-time XAML preview capabilities, you can enhance your workflow by installing the optional Avalonia Rider plugin.