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Версия: 11.0.0


My Control Theme isn't being found

If you're having trouble getting Avalonia to find your theme, make sure it's returning a style key which matches the x:Key and TargetType of your control theme.

My Control Theme is Breaking Other Controls

Many Avalonia controls consist of a combination of other Avalonia controls. If you create a style or control theme that applies to all controls of a type, you might get unexpected results. For example, if you create a style that targets the TextBlock type in a Window, the style is applied to all TextBlock controls in the window, even if the TextBlock is part of another control, such as a ListBox.

Application Window is transparent or there is no content rendered

Make sure you have installed and included Avalonia theme in your application. If you use build-in Fluent or Simple themes, please visit their corresponding pages on how to install them.

If you use third party themes, please contact their maintainers.