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Версия: 0.10.x

The DataContext

The Control.DataContext property describes where controls will look by default for values when binding. The data context will usually be set for top-level controls such as Window and child controls will inherit this data context.

When using the MVVM pattern, the data context will usually be an instance of a view model.

If you created your application with the Avalonia MVVM Application template then you will see something like this in your Program.cs file:

private static void AppMain(Application app, string[] args)
var window = new MainWindow
DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel(),


This means that when the MainWindow is created, a new instance of MainWindowViewModel will be created and assigned to the window's DataContext property. From here all bindings will by default bind to properties on this object:

<Button Content="{Binding ButtonCaption}"/>

Will bind the Button's Content to Window.DataContext.ButtonCaption.

Binding DataContext

к сведению

Info: In the samples below we consider that we have a ViewModel that has a property named Content. Content itself is a class that has a property called Header.

When binding DataContext, the DataContext of the parent control is used as the source of the binding:

<!-- Will bind `DataContext` to `Window.DataContext.Content -->
<StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Content}"/>

Controls that display content based on a data template will automatically set the DataContext for the controls in the template. For example ContentControl:

<ContentControl Content="{Binding Content}">
<!-- Will bind `Text` to `Window.DataContext.Content.Header -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}"/>